Hi everyone,today I am gonna share a project entitled Temperature Controlled Automatic Air Conditioning System.This project was done for Minor Project in which I was a part of the team.As the name implies the main purpose of this project is to devise a system whose sole purpose is to condition or maintain the temperature within the predefined limits.Thus,this system proves to be useful to be used as a Air Conditioning System inside room,offices,departmental stores etc.Apart from that,it can also be used in various industrial applications such as to control the temperature in boilers,refrigerator,AC computers and Laboratories etc.
Now lets look at each element of the design turn by turn.
First lets have a glance at flowchart of the system:
Block diagram:
Above figure shows the block diagram of the system that we have designed.Basically, it consists of microcontroller as a central processor of the entire control operation. The temperature sensor gives the analog output voltage based on the temperature of the room.This analog voltage is fed to the A/D converter.The A/D converter then converts the analog input voltage from the temperature sensor into equivalent binary bits.The converted binary data from the A/D converter is applied to microcontroller.The microcontroller reads binary data from A/D converter,convert it to suitable form and performs different operations based on the value of temperature read from A/D converter.
The LCD is used to display the data given by microcontroller.Microcontroller can turn on dc fan through the optocoupler if required.We have used led as prototype model for heater.If appropriate condition is met microcontroller can turn on heater(i.e. LED).
In this system,if the temperature read is in between 20-25 degree celcius,it is considered normal state.In this condition both fan and heater are off but the temperature and status is displayed in LCD.If the temperature of the room is greater that 25 degree celcius it is considered to be a situation to turn on fan and turn off heater. If the temperature of the room is in between 25-30 degree celcius it is considered as a situation to turn on fan with speed of level one.In this level,appropriate temperature and status is displayed on the LCD. If the temperature of the room is in between 30-35 degree celcius it is considered as a situation to turn on fan with speed of level two.In this level,appropriate temperature and status is displayed on the LCD. If the temperature of the room is greater than 35 degree celcius it is considered as a situation to turn on fan with speed of level three.In this level,appropriate temperature and status is displayed on the LCD. If the temperature of the room is less that 20 degree celcius it is considered to be a situation to turn on Heater and turn off fan. If the temperature of the room is in between 10-20 it is considered as a situation to turn one heater on with heat of level one.In this level,appropriate temperature and status is displayed on the LCD. If the temperature of the room is in between 0-10 it is considered as a situation to turn two heater on with heat of level two.In this level,appropriate temperature and status is displayed on the LCD.
Circuit Diagram:
The circuit shown in the figure consists of a microcontroller,LCD,optocoupler,temperature sensor,ADC etc.The microcontroller port one is connected to the data pins of LCD.Likewise port three of the microcontroller is connected to the data pins of ADC.Pins P2.0 through P2.2 are used to connect to the control pins of LCD.Pins P2.3 through P2.5 are connected to the INTR,WR and RD pins of ADC respectively.Pin 2.6 of the port 2 is use to generate control signal to rotate DC fan.It is obtained using PWM.This pin is connected to the input pin of the optocoupler.The optocoupler is driving the switch to turn the motor on/off.The pins P0.0 and P0.1 is used to drive LEDs which are used as a prototype model for heater.
Source Code:
Programmer: Bikal Adhikari *
Designation: Student *
Compiled on: Keil uVision C51 compiler under Win 8 OS *
Program for:Temperature Controlled Automatic *
Air Conditioning System *
(Appropriate for BEX Minor Project) *
#include<reg51.h> /*Instructing Preprocessor to add header file reg51.h to use the features of 8051 C Programming*/
#define MYDATA P3 /*Defining Port 3 as "MYDATA" Function:To input the digital data from ADC*/
#define ldata P1 /*Defining Port 1 as data pins for lcd as ldata,Function:To output data to LCD*/
#define FL3i 35 /*Defining set of constants for the temperature limits*/
#define FL2ii 35 /*This approach makes changing the temperature limits very easy*/
#define FL2i 30 /*This prevents from going deeper into the code.*/
#define FL1ii 30
#define FL1i 25
#define NLii 25
#define NLi 20
#define HL1i 20
#define HL1ii 10
#define HL2i 10
#define HL2ii 00
sbit rd=P2^5; /*Configuring P2.5 with identifier rd,Function:To send read command to ADC*/
sbit wr=P2^4; /*Configuring P2.4 with identifier wr,Function:To send write command to ADC*/
sbit INTR=P2^3; /*Configuring P2.3 with identifier INTR,Function:To detect start and end of conversion by ADC*/
sbit rs=P2^0; /*Configuring P2.0 to give a value to RS register of LCD*/
sbit rw=P2^1; /*Configuring P2.1 to give a value to RW register of LCD*/
sbit en=P2^2; /*Configuring P2.2 to give a value to EN register of LCD*/
sbit MTR=P2^6; /*Configuring P2.6 to give a Pulse width modulated signal to Motor Control Circuitry*/
sbit HTR1=P0^0; /*Configuring P0.0 as a output line for led which is used as prototype model for heater*/
sbit HTR2=P0^1; /*Configuring P0.0 as a output line for led which is used as prototype model for heater*/
sbit busy=P1^7; /*Configuring P1.7,8th bit of ldata or P1 with identifier busy,Function:To know whether */
/*Following are set of functions required by the main routine.
It is to be noted that function protoype are not used.
Instead functions are directly implemented along with their definitions.
While doing so proper function ordering should be made otherwise compiler
will generate error.For example:Most of the functions in program calls msDelay() function
,and if msDealy() function is kept below the one calling it,compiler will generate error.*/
void msDelay(unsigned int value){ /*Provides delay in Miliseconds equal to the argument provided.Note that the choice of loop parameter 1275 is
completely determined by the inernal design of Compiler and may vary from Compiler to Compiler.*/
unsigned int x,y;
for(y=0;y<1275;y++); /*; is kept because second for loop is written as a single line statement*/
void lcdReady(){ /*Checks if LCD controller is busy or not and waits till not busy if it is busy*/
void lcdCmd(unsigned char value){ /*Gives command to LCD*/
lcdReady();/*Calls to check for busy flag*/
rw=0;/*To appreciate why these values are enforced,one needs to have basic understanding*/
en=1;/*of LCD controller internal operations for read,write etc.*/
void lcdInit(){ /*Initializes LCD.Whenever initialization is necessary this function is called.*/
void lcdData(char value){ /*To give data to LCD controller for display.*/
void display(char d1,char d2){
msDelay(' ');
void convert(char value){/*Converts data from binary to ASCII code.*/
char y,d1,d2,d3;
display(d1,d2);/*d3 will be needed only if temperature exceeds 100 degree celcius.
If needed it can be added in this call and in function definition
as well as body of display().Here it is not included so as to
eliminate redundant digit in the display.*/
void update(char value){/*Updates the data in lcd if data is changed and is within the range.*/
char y,d1,d2,d3; /*Other method would also apply to update data*/
y=value/10; /*But I thought this to be the easy and elegant approach.*/
char adcRead(){/*Reads data from ADC and returns a value in binary format.*/
char value;
wr=0;/*Gives LO-HI pulse to ADC to Start the conversion process.*/
while(INTR==1);/*Waits till data has been converted by ADC.*/
rd=0;/*Gives LO-HI pulse to ADC to read the data converted by ADC*/
value=MYDATA;/*Receiving the converted data into the port 3 of uC*/
rd=1;/*End of LO-HI transition.*/
return value;
void motorcontrol(){
unsigned char i;
unsigned char value;
unsigned char x[6]="TEMPR:";/*This Section consists Set of Strings defined for purpose of display in LCD*/
unsigned char x1[5]="FANON";/*TEMPR: means Temperature,HTRON means Heater On*/
unsigned char x2[5]="HTRON";/*HTRON meansHeater on.*/
unsigned char y[12]="SPEED:LEVEL";
unsigned char z[11]="HEAT:LEVEL";
unsigned char u1[5]="NORM.";/*NORM. means Normal.*/
unsigned char u2[11]="FAN,HTR OFF";/*FAN,HTR OFF means FAN and Heater both off.*/
while(1){ /*Infinite loop is made because of the absence of Operating System.
Because there is no operating system to return to*/
value=adcRead(); /*read data from adc*/
if(value<20){ /*Heater on logic ,confirms to turn on the heater*/
lcdCmd(0x01); /*clear display*/
for(i=0;i<6;i++) /*display string TEMPR: */
convert(value); /*convert data and display*/
for(i=0;i<5;i++){ /*display HTRON message*/
while(value>HL1ii && value<HL1i){ /*level 1 heat for heater*/
if(value>HL1ii && value<HL1i){
goto bkl5;
} /*While closed*/
while(value>=HL2ii && value<=HL2i){ /*level 2 heat for heater*/
if(value>=HL2ii && value<=HL2i){
goto bkl6;
} /*While closed*/
} /*Heater on logic closed*/
while(value>=NLi&&value<NLii){ /*Normal state logic*/
lcdCmd(0x01); /*clear display*/
for(i=0;i<6;i++){ /*display TEMPR:*/
convert(value); /*convert data and display*/
goto bklbkl;
if(value>=25) /*fan on logic,first confirms the situation to turn on fan*/
lcdCmd(0x01); /*clear display*/
for(i=0;i<6;i++) /*display TEMPR:*/
convert(value); /*convert data and display*/
while(value>=FL1i && value<FL1ii){ /*level 1 speed for fan*/
if(value>=FL1i && value<FL1ii){
goto bkl1;
} /*level 1 speed logic closed*/
while(value>=FL2i && value<FL2ii){ /*level 2 speed for fan*/
if(value>=FL2i && value<FL2ii){
goto bkl2;
} /*level 2 speed logic closed*/
while(value>=FL3i){ /*level 3 speed for fan*/
goto bkl3;
} /*level 3 speed logic closed*/
} /*if statement closed i.e fan on logic closed*/
void main(){ /*Main function starts.Execution begins from here.*/
P0=0xff; /*Setting all pins of P0 to 1s to make it as output port in negative logic*/
MYDATA=0xff; /*Setting all pins of P3 to 1s to make it as input port in positive logic*/
INTR=1;/*Active low signal therefore initialized as high.*/
rd=1;/*Active low signal therefore initialized as high.*/
wr=1;/*Active low signal therefore initialized as high.*/
MTR=1;/*Active low is required to drive optocoupler,so initialized as high.*/
HTR1=0;/*To give a blink effect during a startup to show they are functioning and*/
HTR2=0;/*leds are used as prototype for heater and are connected in active low configuration.*/
HTR1=1;/*After 50ms of delay Leds are turned off by high output.*/
lcdInit();/*Initializes LCD with appropriate Display Setting*/
motorcontrol();/*Calls motorcontrol() subroutine*/
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values of resistors capacitors and names of components...???
ReplyDeleteIts quite easy and straight forward.
Delete8.2K, 33pF, crystal 12 MHz for Microcontroller.
For driving LEDs any value works but be sure to use as low as possible just to prevent blowing LEDs.
(Use appropriate resistors(or POTS) for brightness control).
Temperature Sensor: LM 35
ADC: 0804,resistor used 10K,capacitor 150pF
Optocoupler: 4N35
It is used to isolate motor control circuitry from Microcontroller circuit and temperature sensor circuit.
Using it enabled us not to use motor driving IC and it is reallly cheap.
Capacitors and Diodes in motor Circuit can have any value.They are just use to prevent from electromagnetic interference.
Use different source for motor control circuit as far as possible if u r using batteries.
Last but not least: Be sure to design a very nice power unit.If you design a power unit just using LM 7805 etc,and If you dont' use decoupling
capacitor , back connected diodes across supply noise glitches will haunt our circuit and reading displayed will be random.So , once again , be sure to design a nice power supply unit.
Hope that is informative !!!
very informative indeed.....i am gratefull..thanks
DeleteYou are welcome!!!
DeleteIf i want to add this module in water level indicator and controller using microcontrollerhow could i do that? what changes in pin and component placing will occur?
ReplyDeleteIf u want to see my circuit mail me on dollybodgal92@gmail.com. please reply soon
how could I add this temperature sensing module in water level indicator using microcontroller. If needed i can show my circuit. please reply , my mail id is dollybodgal92@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteNo problem.Depends upon how you would like to hit the problem.A variety of solution exists.Some of them may be:
Deletei.Using multiplexer controlled by microcontroller to take input from various sensors and sending required information to LCD.(Best idea.)
ii.If you have already done this project independently.Use both of them at the same time!!!(Not logical)
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteContact me through gmail...
be specific about problem...
which diode is used for heater?
ReplyDeleteIn this schematic diode is just used as a prototype model.If you really need to connect heater you just need to connect heater to power supply and use our microcontroller to switch it using relay or optoisolator.
DeleteThank u so much sir for your great response. Sir, I need one more help from you, I am doing project on water level controller but I am weak at coding will u please provide me coding for that? If need i can mail u my circuit too. Waiting for your favorable reply and again thanks a lot for your previous replies.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry dolly.These days I am quite busy.
Deletek.. sir thank u :)
DeleteCan we use L293D motor driver instead of optocoupler?
ReplyDeleteYes of course but they are expensive comparatively and there is more chance that you could blow them while testing. Optocoupler is very cheap.
ReplyDeletethanks for the reply....& the temp. does not remain constant or in a particular range ...jumps from 31 to 44C suddenly...is it cause of noise causing variation in lm35 output?
ReplyDeleteYes of course.Noise has profound effect.Specially when you do projects using sensors.Actually Lm 35 has nothing to do with it.The main problem might be due to your power supply fluctuations as you might have used some voltage regulator ic and noise glitches from the output of that ic might haunt your circuit causing high variation in lm 35 output because as we know lm35 output is in mv range which is quite small and susceptible to noise.Try connecting decoupling capacitor across output pin of voltage regulator ic, back to back connected diodes etc.Hope this solution works........
DeleteWhich microcontroller is used
ReplyDeleteIt's Atmel AT89S52,8051 compatible microcontroller.
DeleteCode is same for AT89C51?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI already said it.Its Atmel's AT89S52.It is code and pin compatible with Intel 8051 microcontroller.It has 8kb of ROM. Here is the link to download pdf file:
Sir i am making this project for final year and i have some queries
DeleteFirst can you tell me that every port connnected with which blocks the name of blocks
Sir please give me answer of above question its very important for me
DeleteOkay let me give you some insights into this project.
DeleteHardware Concepts:
Following are the basic hardware required in the project:
iv.LM 35 tempr sensor.......
The basic objective of this project is to condition the air(maintain temperature...).i.e if temperature is hot it will try to cool the system and if temperature is cold it will try to heat the system until it maintains temperature within normal range(20-25 degree celsius in this case.You can easily change that though.)All we have to do is read analog data from lm 35 sensor which is analog voltage.Convert it into binary data by ADC.The binary data from ADC has to be ASCII encoded to display it in LCD.The data is fetched into uC.On the basis of data read uC performs the control operation....Whether to cool or to heat the system or neither heat nor cool.LCD is included for better user interface and some visual information.....These are all about hardwares....
The entire programs is divided into following functions:
lcdCmd();to give command to lcd
lcdData();to give data to lcd
lcdReady();To determine whether or not LCD is busy or not so as to ensure that character sent by us will be displayed properly.
msDelay();To generate delays in the program.
adcRead();To read data from ADC,ie converted data.
convert();To convert binary data into ASCII encoded digits.
update();To update temperature value while the temperature is being changed.This prevents from displaying entire template tme and often.
display();To display the ASCII encoded digits in proper decimal form in LCD.
motorcontrol();The entire control function is done here....
These are all about functions used.
Also note that while listing I have omitted the function return type and argument required.For this look in source code.
Explanation of Program Flow:
i.Execution of program starts from main function.
ii.First few line of the main function initializes ports and various other i/o pin values to ensure appropriate initial condition
iii.Then it calls motorcontrol function
iv.It reads data from adc using adcRead function.
v.After data is read from ADC,it is determined which range temperature falls into.
vi.after suitable range is known,the program control goes inside one of the while loop,
vii.Lets consider a a specific condition of level one fan speed.
viii.If temperature is in between 25-30 degree celcius,control enters inside associated while loop;
ix.The template is first displayed to convey status like.
Now agian updated temperature is read and is updated in the lcd by update function.This process maintains the status in LCD while temperature is changed.
Also,the logic to control speed of the fan at the same time is done using PWM.
The following code does rotate fan at certain minimum speed:
MTR is the identifier for pin connected to motor circuit.PWM is obtained in MTR.It is used to drive optocoupler which in turn drives motor with the switching equipment TIP 122 darlington pair transistor.
if MTR is low motor turns on.
and if MTR is high motor turns off.
This is because optocoupler turns on only when input to it is low.
Lets suppose a time frame of 100ms.The time is just elapsing in a frame of 100ms continuously.If we make motor on for 25ms and make it off for 75ms and continue so on,because of inertia of rotor,the motor will appear moving with certain speed.
Likewise following code runs motor with slightly higher speed;
In this way until temperature is within 25-30 the while loop executes.Until temperature is within its range motor moves with speed level one(Which we designated) with changing temperature being updated.
If temperature falls out,the control exits from while loop.
The new temperature is again read.
Now again it may enter any while loop.And associate task is carried out in similar way.....
Also understand while loop to implement heater control,and normal condition control.....Heater has been modelled by LEDs and we have connected LED so that thew will glow when 0 is output to pin.
DeleteThe Control pins like MTR,HTR1,HTR2,etc can be identified from commented source code and functional proteus circuit diagram.
Also,ADC has three control pins,rd,wr and intr:
wr command starts conversion
intr notifies about conversion going on
rd helps to latch data...
LCD has three control pins;
They are used to command LCD.The provide certain timing pulses to give implementation of functions we defined.
Delete1.Understand basics of 8051 C programming
2.Basics of ADC
3.Basics of LCD etc
4.Do basic programs integrating above elements....
5.Start doing project.
6.Start from miniimum...
7.Gradually build up your program....
8.Until you reach your goal......
I hope it was helpful...........though it is so difficult to explain entire program.I just tried to highlight few important segments............If you have further confusions let me know.I will reply as soon as I acknowledge your question..............
DeleteThank u so much sir
DeleteNow i understood the project much better
You are Welcome!!!
DeleteSry i have network problem so I posted it twice And thanks for information
ReplyDeleteYou are Welcome!!!
Deletecould you please list the components of the circuit
Its quite easy and straight forward.
Delete8.2K, 33pF, crystal 12 MHz for Microcontroller.
For driving LEDs any value works but be sure to use as low as possible just to prevent blowing LEDs.
(Use appropriate resistors(or POTS) for brightness control).
Temperature Sensor: LM 35
ADC: 0804,resistor used 10K,capacitor 150pF
Optocoupler: 4N35
It is used to isolate motor control circuitry from Microcontroller circuit and temperature sensor circuit.
Using it enabled us not to use motor driving IC and it is reallly cheap.
Capacitors and Diodes in motor Circuit can have any value.They are just use to prevent from electromagnetic interference.
Use different source for motor control circuit as far as possible if u r using batteries.
Last but not least: Be sure to design a very nice power unit.If you design a power unit just using LM 7805 etc,and If you dont' use decoupling
capacitor , back connected diodes across supply noise glitches will haunt our circuit and reading displayed will be random.So , once again , be sure to design a nice power supply unit.
If you have further queries feel free to ask.
DeleteCould you have projects which is done based on 8051 microcontroller
ReplyDeletezip file u have uploaded thatz not opning with my proteus 8 ..and i dont have protues 6,7 ...i tried to design protues 8 using your circuit diagram with your code but ADC do not converting the data come from lm35....could you please send me image of your well designed protues circuit.
ReplyDeleteCheck the following link.........
i.Use the values mentioned in the comments above for simulation...just making circuit is not enough for circuit simulation......
ii...use preoteus 7.7 as far as possible....because i used it.....
iii.Also surf net for possible flaws in simulation while using cracked versions and how to overcome them.
Sorry check the following link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B446tlTlzFH8bFB6TV9mX08ycWc/view?usp=sharing
ReplyDeleteYou are Welcome!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry I dont have....
ReplyDeleteMay I have your email?
How my adc is not working
ReplyDeleteChoose the appropriate value of capacitor and resistor for ADC. And if the converted value is random use capacitor between supply and ground of your circuit. If it is in simulation then try to use latest model.
Deletehi sir, i want the code in asssembly level could u please help me.
ReplyDeleteHI Ayyappu. Unfortunately I could not help you. I have a lot of other things to do sufficient enough to keep me busy. I would like to recommend you to read book on Microcontroller 8051 by Mazidi. Also once if you understand above code throughly the conversion will be handy.
Deletesir, can u describe the specific name for all the component? and what softwares u used?
ReplyDeletesir i am looking for embedded temperature based fan speed controller using 89c51 can u help me ?
ReplyDeletewhy this necessary to define this in program?
ReplyDeleteplease explain
FL3i 35 /*Defining set of constants for the temperature limits*/
#define FL2ii 35 /*This approach makes changing the temperature limits very easy*/
#define FL2i 30 /*This prevents from going deeper into the code.*/
#define FL1ii 30
#define FL1i 25
#define NLii 25
#define NLi 20
#define HL1i 20
#define HL1ii 10
#define HL2i 10
#define HL2ii 00
These are for example: FL2ii means Fan speed 2 second limit is 35 degree celcius and FL2i means Fan speed 2 first iimit.
DeleteThese constants help to make code more organized. Had we directly used numbers program would be very difficult to debug and change.
Thanks for sharing such a great article
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You are welcome William. Thank you for your appreciation!
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome Alex!
ReplyDeletethank you for such an awesome project. i want to modify this project and extend the range of temperature below 0 degree celsius also. what can i do for it..
ReplyDeletethank you in advance
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ReplyDeletethank you very much ! but i cant seen to download the file
ReplyDeleteplease share the links to the file at my email . i have no money to offer . and what am asking for is alot ! if you cant share the file then no problem please provide some alternative ! jaa !
ReplyDeletemy email is mohsankayani@gmail.com
ReplyDeletesir upr link dia hua ha ghor se dekho
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there is a difference between input and the output at display by 10 for ex. if the input is 30 the output shows 3 but we expect both the values to be same please reply sir
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To work as a nurse in Australia from India, candidates must satisfy several key requirements. First, they need to hold a nursing qualification that is recognized as equivalent to an Australian Bachelor's degree. Second, obtaining professional registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) is essential. Third, candidates must demonstrate English language proficiency through tests like IELTS or OET. Fourth, they must pass a skills assessment conducted by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC). Fifth, relevant work experience as a registered nurse is required to ensure practical competence. Lastly, applying for and securing an appropriate visa that permits employment in Australia is crucial for the migration process.
Breast cancer surgery costs in Delhi can vary depending on several factors. A mastectomy, where breast tissue is removed, generally costs between ₹1,50,000 and ₹3,00,000. Less invasive procedures such as lumpectomies are more affordable, ranging from ₹50,000 to ₹1,50,000. Optional reconstruction surgeries can significantly increase the total expense by an additional ₹1,00,000 to ₹4,00,000. Costs can also be influenced by anesthesia, hospital stays, and post-operative care. Government hospitals typically offer more budget-friendly rates, whereas private hospitals may provide expedited and advanced treatments. Accurate cost estimation requires consultation with healthcare professionals for a detailed, customized treatment plan.
Dr. Meera Shah ranks among Ahmedabad's most distinguished colorectal surgeons, bringing over 15 years of expertise to her practice at Sterling Hospital. An adept surgeon, she excels in both traditional open surgeries and minimally invasive procedures for a wide range of colorectal conditions such as colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and diverticulitis. Her methodology is patient-focused, ensuring tailored treatment plans that address the individual needs of each patient. Known for her precision and dedication, Dr. Shah stays engaged in clinical research and regularly updates her knowledge by attending medical conferences. Her compassionate and holistic approach ensures comprehensive care, earning her immense respect from patients and peers alike.
Dr. Neha Gupta is a highly regarded breast cancer specialist in Mumbai with over 14 years of experience in oncology. Practicing at Jaslok Hospital, she is proficient in modern treatments such as targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy. Dr. Gupta's approach is patient-centric, ensuring personalized care tailored to each individual’s specific needs. She collaborates closely with a multidisciplinary team to provide comprehensive and holistic care. Dr. Gupta is deeply involved in clinical research and regularly attends international conferences to stay updated with the latest advancements in breast cancer treatment. Patients appreciate her compassionate demeanour, clear communication, and dedication to their overall well-being.
Dr. Shona Nag is a distinguished breast cancer surgeon based in Pune with over 20 years of clinical experience. She is renowned for her compassionate and personalized approach to patient care. Dr. Nag provides advanced, state-of-the-art treatments tailored to each patient's needs. She is actively engaged in pioneering clinical trials that significantly advance breast cancer therapies. Her extensive research and numerous publications in top medical journals underscore her expertise. Affiliated with leading cancer institutes, she collaborates to ensure optimal patient outcomes. Dr. Nag strongly emphasizes patient education, empowering women to make informed treatment decisions. Her comprehensive care addresses both the physical and emotional needs of her patients.
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